The Lingering Questions of 9/11

I used to think that the people who said the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 were orchestrated by the government were just crazy conspiracy theorists.
I don’t anymore.
And while I don’t entirely agree with the claim that it was all done and orchestrated by the United States government (as some seem to say), I also don't think their hands are clean, either.
In short: I don’t think the government “did it,” per se — but my theory is that a faction within the government probably knew about it, knowingly let it happen, and quite possibly helped it along in order to further their global neocon ambitions.
The Motive
Think about it.
September 11th was perpetrated by mostly a bunch of Saudi nationals and members of Al Qaeda.
But we can’t go attacking Saudi Arabia — home of Mecca, supplier of our oil, and significant Middle East ally.
We didn’t even demand any kind of accountability from them.
So what do we do?
We say the Taliban in Afghanistan is harboring Al Qaeda and attack them instead. Which then becomes, in reality, a war much more against the Taliban than Al Qaeda.
We invade and basically conquer the country, while simultaneously having to keep putting out fires with attacking Taliban forces over the next 20 years.
But the result? We had what was supposed to be a permanent military base in Afghanistan — which is right next to Iran.
Next, we invaded Iraq, under the pretense of possible weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s) and their potential to put them in the hands of terrorists.
We conquered the country. Again, like Afghanistan, we’re fighting insurgent forces for the next decade — but we now have a huge military presence there — right next to, and on the other side of, Iran.
Iran — who we are not friendly with, and now surrounded with the U.S. military on either side.
Ready to pop like a pimple.
Surely, this was the plan all along.
And September 11th, 2001 was the catalyst.
How convenient, don’t you think?
Unanswered Questions
So many things about September 11th still draw a huge question mark.
Answers have been given, but not without considerable debate as to the validity of those answers.
For example, why did firefighters suddenly begin evacuating the building saying there was a bomb?
Why, when the twin towers collapsed, did they collapse like a demolition?
And why is there video of flashing explosions in the towers as they collapse — just like a demolition?
How did these steel beams really melt, as they said they did and as apologists for the government-approved version say?
I’ve read the explanations and watched the documentaries — but not everyone agrees with the feasibility and science of what they claim. So to say the approved version of how this happened is beyond scrutiny just isn’t true.
Why did a third tower at the World Trade Center suddenly collapse on its own (suspiciously like a controlled demolition?) They say it was because of…nearby debris? That it made it unstable?
This is pressing the limit of belief.
Yes, they have a “very good” explanation, they always will. But it really is quite dumbfounding — even if potentially true.
Everything just feels so convenient. And incredibly fishy and suspicious.
I can’t help but feel like we are being lied to, or at least certainly not being told the entire story.
Because, although I know a lot of people just ignore this and pretend it isn't true — our government does lie to us. About all kinds of things.
Osama bin Laden had been on the CIA’s and FBI’s radar for years. We knew who he was and what he was up to. Nothing was done (government efficiency in action!)
And it is proven fact that our intelligence agencies have done horrendous things to our own people over the years. MK-Ultra, anyone? Or how about, quite possibly, the JFK assassination?
It is not beyond the realm of possibilities that a faction of our government knew Al-Qaeda was going to attack, let them do it, and just decided to help it along for as much effect as possible on the public, in order to give them the mandate they needed to carry forth their agenda.
And although I know I could be wrong — I’m just one simple man, after all — I could be right, too. Or very close to it.
Reality Check
I don’t think George W. Bush knew about it.
I don’t think he planned anything nefarious for that day.
It’s just too “Dr. Evil” for me to find that easily believable. That some Texas governor makes it to the White House and immediately starts planning how to kill 3,000 people so he can use it as a justification to invade other countries.
Or that Dick Cheney came up to him one day and just said “Well, George, it looks like we’re gonna have to do it like this…take a seat, son.”
It’s just too ridiculous.
But I do think he was used, duped, and ultimately persuaded to go along with enacting the agenda his advisors wanted.
And often, it is the advisors that are the little Napoleons we need to fear. They never made it to the top, but they made it to just the right position to be able to sway and influence those who can be swayed.
There are a lot of theories out there, some of them more believable, some of them less, and some of them sound completely crazy.
But what doesn’t sound crazy is that our government has factions within it that conceal themselves from many of the people actually in charge, and may covertly act without their knowledge.
Or — that some of them do act with the knowledge of their direct superiors, but that those leaders then, at times, conceal information from their own superiors (who may be elected leaders).
There are layers upon layers of plausible deniability.
That is how a vast, burgeoning bureaucracy and government apparatus works.
At some point, maybe our system can just become so big that the right hand doesn’t always know what the left is doing.
It’s a scary thought, but it seems to be our current reality.
As September 11th approaches its 23rd anniversary, my thoughts are turned to the events of that day and the legacy it has brought us.
Maybe I’m right in my suspicions, or maybe I’m wrong. I’m willing to listen to all sides and hear all evidence out.
But I hope as time marches on and the history books are written, the complete truth about what happened on that day becomes clearer to us all.